Raw Six Shooter


The RAW Six Shooter helps you load up 1 cone, 2 cones, 3 cones or even 6 RAW Pre rolled Cones. Filled and ready to go in less than a minute! The Six Shooter gives you the option of filling pre-rolled cones without mess or wasting herbs. Simply load up the number of pre-rolled cones you want and you're halfway there! Pack in your smoking content tightly, give it a tap or two and done. Minimal effort, minimal waste, no mess.

The design was inspired by an old Spanish millstone. Just dial the plate to the quantity you want to fill: 1, 2, or 3! Want to fill 6? Remove the plate.


  • Perfect for those who are Tired of Hand Rolling or People who do not know or Have Time to Roll
  • Roll One, Two, or Six  RAW Cones in Less than One Minute! Multiple Cones Simultaneously
  • Comes in 1 1/4 and King Size!